Women’s Inductive Bible Study

Women’s Inductive Bible Study

Wednesdays | Jan 15-May 21 | 10:00am-11:30am Women’s Inductive Bible Study Fall 2024. Book of Revelations.Bring your Bible, colored pencils, and a three ring binder.Debi Dalton will be teaching.Childcare provided with advanced notice. Get...
Men’s and Women’s Community Group

Men’s and Women’s Community Group

Wednesdays | Jan 15-May 14 | 6:00pm-7:30pm The Men’s and Women’s Community Groups brings those parents and couples together on Wednesday nights, to get fed spiritually in a place where your students and kids are also fed spiritually.  With the ability to...
Fearless Student Group

Fearless Student Group

Sun | Jan 26-Mar 16 | 10:45am High School Fearless Group starting on Sunday February 23rd, at 10:45 AM.Fearless is a Christ-centered program designed to provide teens a safe space where group members can connect with each other and feel loved by God.  It is a...


Sun | Dec 1-Jan 26 | 10:45am-12pm Crossover – Overcome is an 8-week group experience for anyone pursuing mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.The group is currently at capacity. New sessions coming...
Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

Saturdays | 8:00am | Tuesdays | 7:00pm When we study the Bible together, God promises to reveal Himself, to teach us how to obey Him, and to show us how to love one another. When we are changed to become more like Jesus, our family, workplaces and communities will be...